F21 top, Old Navy jacket, Loft jeans, Sole Society shoes, Michael Kors bag, bracelet from Dillards |
This, ladies and gentlemen, is as casual as I get. I almost didn't put this one up because I felt like it might be a little too casual.
Let's talk about one thing today: consistency. I am struggling with consistency in my pictures. I have had my fancy pants camera (a Canon Rebel) for about a year now and it has been a huge learning experience. At first I shot in auto but hated the way the pictures came out. So I was determined to learn how to shoot in manual mode. All of that technical jargon confused me from the beginning so I just started playing around with the settings. While I think I know how to adjust them for the most part, the settings will vary from location to location and the time of day certainly plays a big role.
I think shooting in manual mode has been a huge challenge. Sometimes the pictures come out great and have the look that I want:
See the difference? Both pictures look completely different. The top two pictures above are blah, in my opinion. I think a lot of it may have to do with understanding where the light is in relation to where I am standing. I never shoot in full sun because I haven't figured that one out yet. I always stand somewhat in the shadows. I think the picture above was an overcast day and it made for good pictures.
I think my favorite picture that I have done is this one:
My face actually looks like it has a little color and I am not super washed out and white like I am in most of my pictures.
The whole point of this is that I am trying to be consistent in my pictures and I am finding that it is hard. Yes, I could take a photography class and maybe I should. I know there are some online ones and that would probably be my only option. I'm also thinking about buying another lens. I'm using the 58 that came with my camera but am considering a 50. If you have a Canon Rebel T2i, what are your thoughts on the type of lens that I should get?
Make sure you link-up your casual looks below! Also, please make sure that you are a follower of this blog and link back here in your post. Have a great day!
*Linking up with
Shanna for Random Wednesday.
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